Courses and Diplomas | IFA
International UEFA B and UEFA C coaching courses in Germany, taught in English language. Each course is limited to 10-15 non-German coaches.
PDF Syllabus of minimum content: UEFA C diplo ma
The UEFA C Diploma is the highest participation award in the Irish FA coaching pathway. It provides candidates with the skills to create a positive developmental experience that enhances players enjoyment, knowledge and skill, regardless of age, ability, gender or background.
UEFA C Diploma Course underway
This page provides a detailed overview of the UEFA C Diploma, which supplies participants with the skills to provide a positive developmental experience that enhances players' enjoyment,...
New UEFA C Diploma launches for grassroots coaches
UEFA C Diploma 2022 Price: £1,775.00. Course Date: 23rd July 2022 - 28th July 2022; 6 Days of practical; This course requires evidence to be submitted and approved before it can be started. Course Dates